Learn to Code Online 100+ Free Online Coding Resources

Want to test your knowledge of a specific language or topic? Each quiz has 10 questions total picked at random from a larger group, and they’re all multiple choice.

It’s able to search through 235,000 free and paid courses from more than 25 of the best paid and free coding websites, so you’ll be spoiled for choice. You can even watch course previews and compare syllabuses side-by-side to find the best course for you. It’s a great way to sort through the noise to find coding classes that are perfect for your goals. This free coding website has over 4,000 development and sysadmin tutorials.


Courses are organized by whether they’re introductory in nature, core courses, or electives. Now it’s time to give some thought to what it is you would like to create or achieve with coding. Even entry-level positions can offer very competitive salaries. For instance, a junior web developer makes an average of$68,814 a year in 2021 according to Glassdoor. If you’re creative and you like technical work, coding is a great way to combine these two strengths.

You see, no matter how simple or complex your programs are, your computer will always do its best to run them. Hence, a piece of computer code is a set of individual instructions and statements. And just like in a spoken language, each statement tells the computer to perform a very specific task. Code is everywhere you look and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. Many first-time newbies end up frustrated because they don’t know what to do with the knowledge they’ve picked up. Get started with the Khan Academy Computer Programming Course. You can automate a lot of the work you do with data entry, spreadsheets, etc.

UI UX Design Essentials: Create a Design System in Sketch

EdX is an open-source higher education program governed by MIT and Harvard, making it another high-caliber resource where you can learn to code for free online. The site offers hundreds of great courses under the “computer science” category, teaching various coding languages.

  • It also offers classes on a wide range of programming languages, including HTML/CSS, Python, SQL, C++, Ruby, R, Javascript, and PHP.
  • If you want to learn to code using C#, consider the following sites.
  • Codewars offers a fun and unique way to learn coding for free.
  • Nowadays, learning how to create a website is a relatively simple process.
  • Also known as the command-line interface, the command line is a text-based interface people use to execute programs or manipulate files by typing in commands.

Code Academy is a great app too if the website is still asking you to pay. Nowadays, learning how to create a website is a relatively simple process.

Bootcamps or higher education.

The platform also has a unique system that rewards students with a token after completing a session. They can then use the tokens to fund the upcoming courses and get discounts for premium classes. Check out our Versus articles below where we pit two languages, IDEs, frameworks, or whatever, against each other to help you make the right choice for your project.

Why freeCodeCamp is the best?

freeCodeCamp is an awesome resource for self-learners. It compiles the often scattered information about coding into clear and useful lessons. If you are a self-learner, freeCodeCamp is a great place to start learning.

In this Programming with Mosh course, you will learn about JavaScript basics like objects, arrays, and functions. In this tutorial, you will learn about JavaScript fundamentals, asynchronous JavaScript, web API’s, prototype-based inheritance, and ES6.

Build a career

Even if you don’t want to create an account, you can use the resources for free. However, if you have a discerning eye, YouTube can be a great resource for learning how to program.

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